Happy New Year!
Featured above, Amy from Sweet Tea Films in Suite 101
Happy 2017! This week, we're excited to share some resolutions from members as we look towards the year ahead. Thank you to everyone for sharing!
Nicki Dwyer (CWE Blog, Pierce Arrow): "To try to slow down. To become a better photographer, writer and once in a while steal away to read a book during the day without feeling guilty."
Dillon McRaven (TechArtista Hospitality) "Constancy in self-discipline! "
Kevin Harvell (Podcasting and Production): "To help others facilitate turning their fun conversations about things they are passionate about into podcast episodes."
Charles Purnell (Consultant): "Build more cool stuff with the TA members.
Start the Deep Cuts podcast and focus on physical fitness."
Laura Berry (SteadyMD): "Less Netflix and more reading!"
Brad Whiteside (Podcasting): "To leave my day job and work for myself."
William Frazier (Collide Events): "Be more intentional."
David Choi (Seoul Taco): "Make Seoul Taco great again!"
Chase Oros (Design and Development Unicorn): "Wake up and go to bed earlier, find some regard of financial peace, ride my bike more, and release more music."
Igor Kozunov (Wellness for Life): "Make more money!!"
Is there anything we can do to help your resolution become reality? Please reach out!